Physical Address
KCS House, 2nd Floor Mama Ngina Street
About Us
Our Services
Ameli Inyangu and Partners specializes in provision of services to individuals and corporates in all aspects of commercial law. We are a medium sized firm with whom clients can deal on terms of familiarity and trust. Our lawyers have experience in commercial law and have established a forward looking and flexible legal practice providing professional, approachable and competitive services. Our mission is to secure growth and success in legal practice by delivery of the best quality of service for client satisfaction. The firm has deliberately chosen to ensure that the relationship forged with our clients is one that delivers long term value to them. We therefore strive to:-
Understand our clients, their businesses and vision through specific focus on their individual needs;
Ensure a constant appraisal of our operations vis-a-vis our clients needs in-order to keep up with emerging client needs and challenges;
Anticipating client needs through keeping abreast with new developments in the law that might impact on their business and sharing the same with the client; and
Upholding professional integrity and ethics in all our interactions with clients.
Our Values
In our interactions with clients we endeavor to uphold professional ethics and integrity. We work at ensuring that we follow through on the promises and commitments we make to our clients which ensures that with time we build a relationship that inspires the trust and confidence of our clients.
Commitment to Client needs
We work at understanding the operations of our clients and keeping abreast with developments that affect their respective industries so as to effectively meet the long term needs of our clients.
Responsibility to society
We seek to be responsible to the communities within which we conduct business in a variety of ways such as supporting charities and encouraging civic improvements. The partners at the firm invest their time in developing the talents of youthful member of the society through mentoring programs arranged with schools at which talent can be identified and developed.
We are committed to delivering competent, effective and satisfactory services whatever the nature of our client’s circumstances.
At Ameli Inyangu and Partners we strive to ensure that our relationship with clients delivers long term value to them. We are committed to delivering competent, effective and satisfactory services whatever the nature of each client’s circumstances. We believe that consistent client satisfaction is the only basis for our growth and success. The Firm looks forward to mutually beneficial and satisfying partnerships with our clients