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About Me
Mister Kingori, as he is reverently referred to in our Ashitiva universe, is our lead Court room Gladiator and a self-declared slayer of incompetent arguments in court. For George, the pen has proven mightier than the sword, one he wields successfully through skillful court pleadings while serving our clients in commercial litigation, regulatory disputes, international arbitration, and constitutional petitions as well as in contentious intellectual property disputes.
George is extremely nimble of mind and is fiercely respected in court for quick and witty rejoinders while on his feet. He is constantly looking for innovative ways to solve disputes and set new precedents for our clients and the profession. As the Head of our Dispute Resolution Department, he brings an inventive spirit to his practice, continually breaking new ground in terms of precedents. His legal innovation and contribution to jurisprudence was immortalized in the case of EPCO Builders Versus 312 Kenya Airways Employees where he put forth the law concerning the finality of an Arbitrators award. While it is true that Parliamentarians and Judges make the law, it is also true that a special breed of lawyers like Mister Kingori expand it.
It is widely known that George is an early riser but what is not widely known is that he is also an early sleeper. We have come to accept that it is not wise to count on him in our night plans. His internal system literally works like clockwork regardless of the venue or context, at exactly 8.00 p.m George can sleep on you even in the loudest night club, movie, church service or concert. However it is this particular internal clock which rises him constantly at 4.00 a.m and equips him with exceptional energy and perspective to solve our client’s challenges. Clients rave about him because George is efficient as he is effective. He enjoys leading his team as he does serving our clients.
- Acting for Kenya National Human Rights Commission in a High Court constitutional Petition which was challenging the legality of CDF Act. Consequently the Act was amended in conformity of the judgment
- Successfully acting for StarTime Media (K) Co. Ltd in a commercial dispute for recovery of over Kshs. 60,000,000/- during the petition to wind up Uchumi supermarket
- Successfully advising and offering the necessary legal support to StarTimes Media (K) Co. Ltd and Pan-African Network Group (K) Co. Ltd during the infamous Digital migration case. This case was filed by the big media houses in Kenya against two aforementioned companies and other government agencies and parastatals. The media houses were opposed to migration from analog to digital broadcasting. The internal legal counsel of the aforementioned companies sought my independent legal opinions from those of the advocates representing the companies in the litigation cases in court. This lead to the Supreme Court ruling in favour of the aforementioned companies
- Offering legal advice to StarTimes Media (K) Co. Ltd with regard to Kenya labour and Employment laws and successfully enabling the company come up with a favourable Employment handbook that is compliant with the Kenyan laws
- Offering the Necessary legal advice to African Cotton Industries with regard to labour and employment matters which led to African Cotton Industries significantly reducing labour disputes in court. For the last three years, there has been no serious labour dispute in court against African Cotton industries and the few that have been filed we have managed to resolve them out of court.
- Currently, I am representing a couple in a construction dispute in a project worth over Kshs. 500,000,000/-. The Couple entered into a joint venture agreement with Kings Developers Ltd to construct Skyrock apartments at Kilimani in Nairobi suburbs.
- Acting for 312 Kenya Airways employees in arbitration case against EPCO Builders Limited for Pride Park Apartments, a dispute over development worth Kshs. 1.5 Billion. The complex development structure includes approximately 312 built up units. my role included advisory on the issues in dispute, framing the dispute for arbitration, representing Kenya Airways employees before the arbitrator and securing a favorable award.
- Prosecuting and defending trademarks disputes before the Trade Mark Registrar at the trademark tribunal where African cotton industries is seeking to have the “TENA” a trademark which belong to them registered and at the same time, stop a competitor company from trading and infringing the said trademark. Defending the trademark “SNUGGLES” which belong to African cotton industries and ensuring that there is no infringement of the mark by a competitor company.