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About Me
- The firm’s Managing partner. He has been practicing law for a period of over 42 years and has a vast experience in most fields of the law. He is also a Commissioner for Oaths and a Certified Public Secretary [C.P.S (K)]. He has successfully handled and tried numerous Court cases in the High Court and the Court of Appeal.
- Recently he successfully defended a Probate and Administration case that broke new legal grounds on the issue of the suitability of a spouse to be nominated as an administrator for purposes of defending an ongoing suit that had been filed in Court against her late spouse. The case also centered on the applicability of revocation of letters of administration procedures in respect of a limited grant.
- He also successfully argued an Appeal before the Court of Appeal where jurisprudence was developed when the Court agreed with his challenge of the viability of objection proceedings brought by a person who had sought to stop the execution of a Court decree, claiming to be the rightful owner of the property, the subject of the attachment proceedings. While in actual fact the judgement debtor was actually in control of the said Property.
- The Court while agreeing with him held that since it had been clearly demonstrated that the subject property was under the control of the judgement debtor, then the objection proceedings could not stand.
- Lately he also successfully defended an appeal before the Court of Appeal where the subject matter involved a Commercial Enterprise worth hundred’s of millions of shillings.
- In his many years of Practice, he has argued several precedent setting cases that have actually furthered the development of jurisprudence in the Republic.
- He has a keen interest in Commercial litigation but he is an equally able Family and Criminal Law Attorney. He handles various Commercial transactions on behalf of Clientsand is currently handling multiple transactions worth tens of millions of shillings, key among them being a multi-million shilling housing development project in the North Rift part of Kenya.
- He founded the firm over 40 years ago.
- He is a member of the Law Society of Kenya (LSK), the East African Law Society (EALS), the Mount Kenya Law Society (Mt KLS) and the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries Kenya [I.C.P.S.(K)].
- He has served the Law Society in various capacities as, Vice-Chairman of the Mount Kenya Law Society, currently he is serving as a member of the Law Society of Kenya’s Ethics Committee for Mount Kenya and until recently he was serving as a Council Member of the Mount Kenya Law Society (Mt K.L.S).
- On top of that he has set the record as the longest serving chairman of the Kerugoya Bar Association.
He is also a member of the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) - Kenya’s Pro-Bono Lawyers Scheme and Kituo cha Sheria. - He was recently commended by the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA)-Kenya for his continued and exemplary service to their pro-bono scheme.
- Apart from his Professional work and service to the Society, he also engages in community development as he sits on several Institutional Boards e.g. Schools and Hospitals. He serves on the boards of various other corporate entities some of which he sits as a Director and others as secretary due to his professional qualifications as a C.P.S - K. He also engages in community service through contributing to various Trusts, Foundations and Charitable causes through the giving of both monetary contributions and professional legal advice. Currently, he is one of the legal resource persons for the Catholic Church-Kianyaga Parish and the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (P.C.E.A).
- He also conducts Civic Educationon a wide scope of Legal issues.